Financial Planning

OAS – To Delay or Not

2021-05-04T12:29:14-04:00By |Categories: Financial Planning|

An important topic for our clients nearing the age of 65 is how to best structure potential income sources during the retirement years. Timing of Old Age Security (OAS) benefits will be considered in the context of such discussions.

How interest rates affect the decision to borrow vs. save

2020-11-02T13:55:40-05:00By |Categories: Financial Planning|

In Benjamin's last blog he examined the framework for determining whether one should use cash to pay down their debt, or to build their investments. While the framework necessarily includes analysis of current interest rates, one factor that was not considered was how interest rates will change over the lifespan of your debt. This article will examine these considerations.

The Spread and Your Head

2020-10-01T11:14:57-04:00By |Categories: Financial Planning|

An eternal question in the world of personal finance is “should I use available cash to invest, or should I use it to pay down debt”? Particularly in the time of COVID, when those lucky enough to continue working are often spending less and accumulating cash, it’s an important question. It’s also one that can be answered in a straightforward manner with a framework of questions to answer.

How valuable is the dividend tax credit really?

2020-05-20T15:49:25-04:00By |Categories: Financial Planning|

Tax minimization is one of the most important pillars of wealth management. The more you pay in taxes, the less money you have to spend and save. As a result much ink is spilled and many dollars spent in the effort to pay less tax. But when trying to optimize one part of the equation, it can be easy to miss the forest for the trees.

This is where your plan shines

2020-05-04T08:46:30-04:00By |Categories: Financial Planning|

Major market corrections are scary. If you are close to retirement – or already retired – seismic shifts in the market can feel like the world is ending and your ability to meet your financial objectives is evaporating. If you have a financial plan, now is the time to review it, consider the impacts it has had on your portfolio, and assess in a non-emotional way whether your goals have been affected.

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